Learn 12 different Languages in a Fun Way
Mango Languages offers eleven hundred lessons and eleven courses of foreign language instruction for the “amazing price…Free!” Lessons are in about a dozen different languages, including: Spanish, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Greek, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and English for Polish and Spanish speakers.
The site is well organized and easy to use. A top navigation bar offers access to the main areas of the site. Registration is required to use the lessons but it is free to anyone with an Internet connection.
Need to brush up on your French or Spanish or any of eleven other languages? Mango is the place to go to learn foreign language at your own pace and in a fun and engaging way. Teachers and students can use this site to easily add practice to the curriculum or the general public can use it to sharpen their mind by learning a new language. Users can listen to the phrases and words spoken by a native speaker and the words are color coded for translation. Each sentence is preceded by an icon for replaying and each word can be scrolled to see the phonetic pronunciation. The lessons include grammatical and cultural notes that provide insight into the language and customs as well as quizzes and conversations that focus on practical experiences. The slides can be replayed as many times as necessary to learn and reinforce the content. Additionally, a forum is available for users to learn more about Mango and to discuss the languages they are learning.