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Most useful Opera Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

Most useful Opera Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are using Opera browser than you can browse a lot faster using the keyboard, and this page gives you an overview of the available keyboard shortcuts. Some operations have multiple shortcuts; use those you find most convenient.Pressing Alt Gr is the same as pressing Ctrl+Alt in opera.

CTRL+O: Open a file using Opera.

CTRL+S: Save a copy of the current page.

CTRL+SHIFT+P: Toggle Print Preview.

CTRL+P: Print the current page.

CTRL+Q: Shut down Opera.

CTRL+T: Open a new tab.

CTRL+W: Close the current tab.

CTRL+TAB: Move between active tabs.

SHIFT+SPACE BAR: Scroll one screen up.

PAGE UP: Scroll one screen up.

SPACE BAR: Scroll one screen down.

PAGE DOWN: Scroll one screen down.

CTRL+PAGE UP: Scroll one screen to the left.

CTRL+PAGE DOWN: Scroll one screen to the right.

HOME: Scroll to the top of the current document.

END: Scroll to the bottom of the current document.

CTRL+LEFT ARROW: Move to the previous page in your browsing history.

ALT+LEFT ARROW: Move to the previous page in your browsing history.

CTRL+RIGHT ARROW: Move to the next page in your browsing history.

ALT+RIGHT ARROW: Move to the next page in your browsing history.

F5: Reload the current page.

CTRL+R: Reload the current page.

CTRL+F: Find specified text in the current page.

CTRL+G: Find next instance of specified text in the current page.

CTRL+SHIFT+G: Find previous instance of specified text in the current page.

COMMA: Find specified text within links on the current page.

CTRL+PLUS: Zoom in on the current page by 10%.

PLUS: Zoom in on the current page by 10%.

CTRL+MINUS: Zoom out on the current page by 10%.

MINUS: Zoom out on the current page by 10%.

CTRL+0 (Zero): Restore zoom display on the current page to 100%.

F11: Use the entire screen for viewing the current page.

SHIFT+UP ARROW: Proceed to the next link up on the page.

SHIFT+DOWN ARROW: Proceed to the next link down on the page.

SHIFT+LEFT ARROW: Proceed to the next link to the left on the page.

SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW: Proceed to the next link to the right on the page.

ENTER: Activate the link that is currently selected.

SHIFT+ENTER: Activate the link that is currently selected in a new tab.


Cycle focus within active context Tab and Shift + Tab
Activate Enter
Edit item properties Alt + Enter
Ctrl + I
Exit context or cancel Esc
Display context (right-click) menu Ctrl + M

System keys

Open file Ctrl + O
Save copy of page Ctrl + S
Save copy of page with all images and elements Ctrl + Alt + S
Print page Ctrl + P
Close Opera Ctrl + Q
Hide Opera Ctrl + H

Loading keys


Go to your home page Ctrl + Space
Alt + Home
Enter a Web address F2
Paste and go in current or new tab Ctrl + B
Paste and go in background tab Ctrl + Shift + B
Enter nickname for fast bookmark access Shift + F2
Save page address as new bookmark Ctrl + D
Save as new bookmark in active bookmark folder Ctrl + Shift + D


Reload (get latest version of) page Ctrl + R
Reload selected frame Alt + F5
Ctrl + Shift + R
Reload all open pages Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + Alt + R
Stop page loading Esc
Read selected text using voice function V
Cancel current voice prompt Esc

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