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LightLane Personal Bike Path

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

A few months ago the LightLane personal bike path was merely a competition entry in conceptual phase. Using high powered laser beams mounted to bicycle seat posts, the light generated so much interest that the designers took it into development.

Alex Tee, a mechanical engineer, and industrial designer Evan Gant, who both work with the Boston-based design firm Altitude, Inc. are currently in the production engineering phase of development. The proposed LightLane model uses two high-visibility DPSS (diode-pumped solid state) green lasers mounted alongside traditional bright red LEDs to crisply mark a broad path on the pavement. We were excited to see the recent video release of early beta testing (see below), which demonstrates the potential efficacy of this product in poorly lit road scenarios.

While the timeline for release is still unknown and the final cost remains to be seen, we're already sold.

Check out product renderings and more images after the jump.


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