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What is Hibernate Mode & its Use

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

There are several people who are always confused on what is PC Hibernate feature and what does it lead to when clicked. While you are using Windows Operating system, when you click on the Start > Turn Off Computer option you will find the Hibernate feature, which when clicked will hibernate it.

Whenever you run any program like Winamp, MS Word, Notepad, Firefox etc, its files are stored in the RAM[Random Access Memory] till the program is running actively and not totally closed. While you shutdown the PC, all the applications running on your computer are totally shut down, but in case of Hibernation all this data is moved from the memory to your hard drive and stored there, which is restored back when your PC is restarted and its out of the hibernate mode.

The Hibernate mode is very good feature for windows users because it saves up a lot of time when you start your PC again. It saves up all the currently open applications and hence you dont have to manually save all the programs, when you are looking for a very small break from your work. There are also other reasons/advantages of using the hibernate mode which include the time saving on boot up along with power/battery save up because you dont have to close all the programs nor reopen then you restart the computer.

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