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Using UCWEB Access Free Airtel GPRS!!

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

I am again here with the most credible trick for Free GPRS in Airtel with UCWEB. Previously we had a TeaShark application that was awesome with great speed and perfect for browsing, but unfortunately the trick no longer works most of the regions. And your are the lucky one if that still works for you without costing any bucks.

The world of software and hacks is always open for Airtel because it took about six months for Airtel guys to figure out the TeaShark problem and fix it out. But now its another software to replace TeaShark thats UCWEB.

UCWEB is a web browser for mobile devices such as mobile phones. UCWEB is now ranked #1 in the Chinese mobile web browser market. UCWEB just works really fine with Airtel Network and its just free. UCWEB just works fine with Airtel Live costing you nothing.
Link : Download UCWEB for Mobile

Pls do try out.. Not Sure..

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