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Nokia to launch its own app store

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

Symbian may be the most popular smartphone platform in the world and there may be tons of interesting mobile apps for it out there. The problem is – there’s no way to easily find and get them on to your handset. And when it’s too hard to do that, the users simply do not bother. All the handset vendors were making an excuse for years that mobile apps are just too different and probably won’t ever be as popular as the desktop software apps.

Source: Unwired view

Well, with 500 mil downloads and counting, Apple App Store certainly disproved that notion. So it’s time for the handset makers to start scrambling with their own easy to use App stores as well. Samsung already has one.
And today we learned that during MWC 09 in Barcelona, Nokia is going to announce it’s own mobile applications portal as well.
According to Eldar Murtazin, the new Nokia app store is already up and running in a closed mode:
At first glance, for now, the app portal looks so so, there is some confusion. But they are trying, polishing it and a lot has changed for the better in a matter of days. A right step in a right direction… And the distribution and revenue sharing model between app makers and Nokia looks very attractive.
I’d say it’s high time for a budding “Internet company”, which Nokia strives to be, to have it’s own easy to use applications portal. I hope they will get it right this time.

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