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Multiple Inbox View - New in Gmail Labs!

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

Gmail have added a new labs feature that would enable you to view multiple inbox as soon you log into your Gmail account. This feature could be used to show multiple inbox if you categorize your mails according to drafts, starred, labels, etc.

As an example to use this new feature, lets consider, I have filtered all my e-bills that will be treated specially as soon they reaches my inbox. They are filtered in a manner that will skip from my inbox and will be labeled as ‘BILLS’ automatically. In this case I can create another inbox apart from my primary inbox that will display all the mails under category ‘BILLS’. In the same manner you can also create inbox for your drafts, starred items, or any other labels.

You can try it out yourself by enabling “Multiple Inboxes” feature inside ‘Labs’ tab. Once activated, you will need to customize multiple inboxes by clicking Settings-> Multiple Inboxes. Though I am yet to explore this feature a lot, but as of now I found that, this feature is clashing with other Labs feature like right side chat and labels, etc. Hope, they will be improved too, with the passage of time.


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