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What is My Internet Connection Speed ?

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

What is My Internet Connection Speed ? -

Before you waste your time searching among the mountain of sites designed to test the speed of your Internet connection, give Speedtest a try. Speedtest is a very well designed and functional site with a speedometer display and other dials and read-outs showing important information about your Internet connection.
A map of the Earth highlighting the nearly 100 remote testing servers makes it easy to decide on and change test locations based on geography.

Besides the attractive design and huge number of testing sites, sets itself apart from most other Internet speed test sites by its ability to save the results of your tests over time and to compare those tests with others around your neighborhood or around the world.

Features :

  • can test the bandwidth between your PC and any of a huge number of test servers from around the globe.
  • The speedometer-like display at shows your bandwidth during the test in a format familiar to almost everyone.
  • automatically calculates the nearest testing server to your location helping you begin your test faster.
  • Test results at are saved to allow you to compare results over time, helping to spot slowdowns and upgrades.
  • Saved results also allow comparisons to others based on ISP, state, Earth and more.
  • Global Stats feature shows test statistics from all over the world.
  • Each test at generates a graphic displaying your personal results that you can email or share online.
  • tests both upload and download bandwidth along with latency, providing a complete picture of your connection.

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