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How to Increase Laptop Volume ?

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

How to Increase Laptop Volume ?

The Sound in My laptop is too Low. This really creates a problem for me, as I can’t Listen to my latest mp3 songs. Increasing the MP3 player's volume hasn't really helped. This is a very common issue with mp3 files; some sound too low, some are too loud. Here are some ways to increase the sound output of an mp3 file i.e to make them louder.

Using a Software - MP3Gain

MP3Gain is a free software to adjust the sound of mp3 files. We'll use it to increase the volume of low sounding mp3 files.

  • Download and Install MP3Gain. [ Click Here to Download ]
  • Start the Application.
  • Use the 'Add Files' Button to add the mp3 files for which you wish to up the volume.
  • Set the volume you want to apply in the 'Target Volume' Box.
  • Click 'Track Analysis'. This displays the current volume of the file.
  • Hit 'Track Gain' button to change the volume of the mp3 file to what is specified in step 4.

Using a Web Site - Vloud

If you are looking for an easier way to increase the volume, head over to Vloud. It's free and there is not need to install anything. Vloud has just four options - light, loud, louder, loudest. Select the one your prefer and upload the file. The file can be downloaded after the changes are applied. Apart from mp3, Vloud also supports wav files. One caveat though; only files upto 10 MB can be uploaded. Enjoy!

Link : Click to Go to Vloud

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