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Create An HTML Button For Your Blogger

Posted by Wonderful-Tricks

Create An HTML Button For Your Blogger / BlogSpot Blog

Many bloggers like to place buttons instead of simple links. And in some widgets and posts, buttons do look a lot better than simple hyperlinks. But most of the bloggers think, that placing a button is a tedious job, and due to laziness they finally end up placing a normal link :)

But through this post, you will learn that the task of adding an HTML button is as simple as inserting a hyperlink !

First have a look at the button below:

If you want to place a button similar to that, then simply copy and paste this code

<form action="" method="get" target="_blank">
<input type="submit" value="Wonderful-Tricks">

Change the code in RED, as per your requirement !

You can delete target="_blank" from the first line, if you want the new page to open in the same window, and if you want that the new page should open in a new window/tab then leave the target="_blank" as it is !

The button explained above is a "submit" type button, there are many other types too, like text, radio, check boxes etc.

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