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Most countries in the world have distinct identification symbols for their currency - $ represents the US Dollar, £ is used for GBP, € for Euro, etc. but there’s still no official currency sign for the Indian Rupee. While symbols like Rs and रू are commonly used to represent the Indian Rupee, these are no official currency signs and therefore the Government of India has now announced a public contest to pick up a sign that will represent the currency of India.

The Ministry of Finance has full details of the competition. The currency symbol should be applicable to the standard computer keyboard and must also represent the historical and cultural ethos of the country as widely accepted across the country.
Members from Reserve Bank of India and art institutes such as Sir JJ Institute of Applied Art, National Institute of Design, Lalit Kala Akademi, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Art & Culture would comprise the jury that will select the winning currency design.

If you are a creative artist, this is your ultimate chance to create history - if your design is chosen, you’ll be forever remembered in history books of the world (and Wikipedia) as the "designer of Indian currency symbol".

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