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Hide user accounts from the Windows XP Welcome screen

How can I hide a user from the Welcome Screen in Windows XP?

To hide a user's account from the welcome screen in Windows XP:

1. Open Registry Editor.
2. In Registry Editor, navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

3. Create the following entry:

Username: REG_DWORD

(Where Username is the username of the user you want to hide from the Welcome Screen).

4. Assign a value of 0.
5. Close Registry Editor.
6. Reboot.

This will prevent the user from showing up on the welcome screen. You will need to press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice at the logon screen to get the old W2K logon style box to be able to logon to the account you've hidden. Adding a username and setting the value to 1 will cause that user, such as Administrator, to show up on the Welcome screen as well.

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