ADVERTISEMENTS, a free online chat service that lets you create your own live community on their site and on your Web site with the embed capability.
There are plenty of char rooms available from other communities that you can participate ranging from Sport, Celeb, Movie, etc… But creating your own chat room and embed capability on any web site really caught my attention.
There are plenty of char rooms available from other communities that you can participate ranging from Sport, Celeb, Movie, etc… But creating your own chat room and embed capability on any web site really caught my attention.
After a quick set-up and registration you can have your own chat room and you can immediately embed to your site. (you actually embed any available chat room on your site).
The service offers flexible customization for size, color, …to match your site theme.
Once implemented (I implemented on the sidebar of my other blog). The “widget” can also be detached from your site to run on its own browser window. User can just enter a name to identify him/herself and start chatting, or they can remain anonymous. Registration is needed at to have the avatar assigned to the ID.
As administrator of your chat room (you can also assign additional moderator) , you can moderate by hovering the mouse on the message to optionally delete the message or even ban the author.
Chat participants can share photo, video, links Web site by providing the link. A small thumbnail will appear on the chat window. And the same thumbnails are shown in your char room within
The service works very well and intuitive enough to have users quickly take advantage without much hiccup.