The Carcoon Server Shield is a portable, blow up computer clean room which you wrap around your precious hardware to prevent dust and nasty bits ruining your hard disks and all that precious data. The air ventilation system keeps the machine at a happy temperature as well as clean and dry, and you’ve got little access holes to get at the computer when you need. Cool stuff, and rather useful if you’re in a rural setting and need some serious computing power on site. The running costs of the car versions are pennies per day, which is pretty neat.
The creation of the Server Shield provides an ideal solution to the problem, effectively placing the machine in a clean super atmospheric mini environment. Four small ventilator/filter units provide a clean ventilating airflow keeping the machine temperature stable and importantly clean and dry. The cover simply drops over the machine and forms a semi airlock/seal as it rests on the floor around the machine. The machine requires no modifications whatsoever and continues to work as originally designed taking air through the body of the machine and exhausting around the top rim.