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Six years ago Chris Ebejer conceived a way to stop babies from overheating.
Now, proudly, he is delivering his fully-formed creation to the world.
The father of one has signed a £12.5million contract with a manufacturer to take his 'Babyglow' babygrows global.
The garments change colour with baby's temperature - meaning they can tell parents when their child is getting too hot and help prevent catastrophic illness.

'Mothers are going to find these invaluable,' said Mr Ebejer, who lives with wife Jane, 44, and son Aaron, 17, in Long Melford, Suffolk. 'Heat is invisible. The suit changes that and makes it visible.
'It communicates to the mother where a baby can't.'
Overheating can cause a baby's brain to shut down and is also an indication of illnesses such as meningitis.
Mr Ebejer, who had his idea while watching a documentary about babies, began the search for an ink pigment with heat-sensitive molecules.
He spent six years and £700,000 working with scientists to embed into cotton babygrows.
The Babyglows come in pink, blue and pastel green, all of which turn white as soon as the baby's temperature rises above 37c.
They will be available from October for £20 a pack.
The worldwide patent has been bought by manufacturers Quality Workwear 4 U, in Milton Keynes.
Mr Ebejer has signed sales deals in a number of countries including the U.S. and is negotiating with High Street stores.
He added: 'It has taken over my life but I'm very passionate about


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