Recently I checked my friend’s new USB drive that he had bought few days back. I noticed that when I browsed into its file directory, the window had a custom background which came with the drive itself. I was wondering if we could do so for any other drive. And the answer was yes, we can! Here’s how it’s done:
- Firstly, open notepad and copy the following code:
IconArea_Image= background image - In the above code you need to replace ‘background image’ with the actual file name of the actual image file name. For instance, ‘flowered.jpg’.
- Now, save it as “desktop.ini” without the quotes.
- Place the “desktop.ini” file and your image file in your USB drive. You can hide the files if you want so that they won’t get deleted accidently.
- Refresh or re-plug your USB device to see the new background for your USB drive window.